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Filmstill aus AUF SCHEISSER SCHIESST MAN NICHT. Drei Männer in Lederjacken und Sonnenbrillen sitzen in einem Auto ohne Verdeck.

Mon 28.02.

  • Director

    Hansjürgen Pohland

  • FRG / 1969
    89 min. / DCP / Original version

  • Original language


  • Cinema

    Arsenal 1

    zu den Ticketszu dem Kalender
  • Jan George in person

A group of dropouts have made a houseboat their refuge and live a life there that takes its bearings from communal life, petty criminality and politically motivated resistance. When a young attractive woman joins their ranks, they plan an armed robbery. AUF SCHEISSER SCHIESST MAN NICHT (Hansjürgen Pohland, West Germany 1969) doesn’t follow a linear plot nor some political agitation agenda but rather captures the life feeling of the APO protest generation, accompanied by the music of Tangerine Dream. Highly topical in 1969, the film shows how a group of young people fall into armed crime due to anti-bourgeois affect and social protest. Perhaps it was this very topicality that lead to the film’s frosty critical reception. This unknown work by Hansjürgen Pohland is now ripe for rediscovery thanks to this new digital restoration. (28.2., with guest Jan George) (ah)

Funded by:

  • Logo Minister of State for Culture and the Media

Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund

The international programs of Arsenal on Location are a cooperation with the Goethe-Institut